Электрический вспениватель молока HiBREW

Код товара: A1005003381114632
Кешбек: 15%
Магазин: АлиКэшбэк20
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FAQ-General Question

Q: What is the delivery time?

A: It will be 7-45 day,depends on where are you located

Q: Is it free shipping?

A: Yes, we will select shipping company and cover the shipping cost on our side, so please do not select shipping company when you order unless you are going to pay for the shipping cost to use Fedex service, Please kindly note the shipping cost does not include the custom duty.

Q: What is the shipping preparation time?

A: Within 2~3 day unless specified.

Q: Can you do B2B/OEM/blind drop business?

A: Yes, we are manufacturer and open to discuss, please contact the seller via: info@hibrew.cn

Can the product be used at both 50HZ or 60HZ?

Yes, HiBREW machines can be used in both 50 or 60Hz as per laboratory test, But because of Saudi Arabia's regulations on electric appliances, the outer packaging must be ticked at 60Hz mark even HiBREW machines can work well at both ratings, If you are concerned on this , you can request a product safety certificate from HiBREW customer service, thank you.

Название бренда HiBREW
Номер модели M1A
Происхождение Китай
Сертификация CB
Мощность (Вт) <750 Вт
Напряжение (В) 220-240 В
Стиль Стоя
Тип питания Электрический
Частота вращения (об/мин) 20000
Единица измерения штука/штуки
Количество 1
Non stick coating yes