Ультра-тонкая силиконовая кружевная лента для париков-4 см x 50 см Нескользящая клейкая лента для наращивания волос на ленте, целитель узлов, зажим для парика

Код товара: A1005005462072968
Кешбек: 15%
Магазин: АлиКэшбэк20
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our ultra-thin silicone lace tape is perfect for anyone looking for a reliable and durable adhesive tape to apply wigs and hair extensions. Measuring at 4cm x 50cm, this tape is designed to meet your wig application needs, whether it be hiding knots and grids on lace wigs, erasing knots that might be visible, or achieving a flawless look with our concealer tape.

Color: nude

our ultra-thin silicone lace tape is perfect for anyone looking for a reliable and durable adhesive tape to apply wigs and hair extensions. Measuring at 4cm x 50cm, this tape is designed to meet your wig application needs, whether it be hiding knots and grids on lace wigs, erasing knots that might be visible, or achieving a flawless look with our concealer tape.