Зверобой П 100 таблеток. Натуральное средство с антидепрессивным действием. Выводит желчь, нормализует работу кишечника.

Код товара: A1005001286993849
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Zveroboy p

Natural drug with anti-depressive effect:-Is a powerful natural antidepressant;-Improves the removal of bile, normalizes the work of the intestine;-Strengthens the walls of the vessels, normalizes venous and capillary circulation, thus improving the blood quality of the water.-Has a strong urinary effect, contributing to the removal from the body of harmful substances and preventing the formation-Accelerates cellular regeneration;-Has a knitting, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-helmine action.

Component characteristic

The animal is torn rich in essential oils, including the content of azulen (soothing and wound-healing). Hyperforine and hypericin the composition of the animal wallpaper contribute to the production of serotin-a hormone of joy, normalizing the emotonal background, conjuwith and contins vitamins C, E, R. The grass and flowers contain about 13% oak and 17% resin substances.Carbs, flavonoids (rutin, kvercetin, and others), anthracene, saponina, alkaloids Lots of mineral salts.Vitamin C-a powerful antioxidant that reduces the effect of free radicals, increases immune, protect and protect the skin of the skin.

Differences from similar drugs:

-"Animal P" is more effective than other means on the basis of bruising, as cryoprocessing allows you to keep all the processes of the medicinal plant, not only only-More effective than extracts and other drugs, thanks to the content of vitamin C-a powerful antioxidant.-A much smeller risk of manifications, as the animal, walking to the manufacture of the drug "zveroboy P", grows on the territory of Russia. In the territories where it grows.

Chemical composition of the animal

-Vitamins C, E, R, R.-The Flowers of the plant are rich in essential oils, including azulen.-The grass and flowers contain about 13% tannial and 17% resinous substances.-Carbs, flavonoids (including rutin, kvercetin, glycoside, and many others), anthracene-Lots of mineral salts.

Pharmaceutical action:

-The Beast improves the easing of the bile, normalizes the work of the intestine.-Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes venous and capillary circulation. This improves the blood saturation of all organs.-Is a good antidepressant.-Has a strong urinary effect, contributing to the removal from the body of harmful substances and preventing the formation of the body.-Accelerates cell regeneration.-Has knitting, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-helming actions.

Animal p-an effective and safe remedy for depression and not only

Bright sun flowers of this plant are familiar to every Russian. The animal is found almost throughout Russia. This is a universal natural drug, grass from 99 diseases, as long ago called the plant in Russia.The curative property of the animal wallpaper are describbed in ancient Egypt papyrus, works of famous doctors of the past Hippocrates, avitsenna, paracelsa ac these days, to use the healing power of the plant, you do not need to look for it in fields and meadows. The drug zveroboy P, made by unique technology, contains the entire complex of active substances of the plant with all kinds of properties.


-As an independent tool;-In the complex therapy of psychic disorders (accompanied by a decrease in mood, apathy, etc.).

Composition of the drug "animal P" (205 mg):

-The grass of the animal wallpaper (cryoportose) (70 mg);-Vitamin C (9 mg).


Pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance of product components. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.The amount of lactose included in the tablets, as an auxiliary substance, does not have a negative effect.

Recommendations for acceptance

Adults 2-3 tablets 3 times a day during meals. The duration of the reception is 1 month (not more than, a long reception of the animal wallpaper can cause Pharmaceutical Association). Does not apply from May to September.Is not medicine!

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Происхождение Россия
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Сертификация Европейский сертификат соответствия
Единицы загрузки Бутылки
Упаковка Банка (жестяная)
Пол Унисекс
Срок годности 2 года
Вес 45 г
Единица измерения штука/штуки
Количество 1